Chilcot's Free School was intended for the education of poor children, and provided a basic grounding in reading, writing, and arithmetic. The school was built in 1611 and survived the great fire of 1612 and was in use as a school until 1903. The school was then converted into a gymnasium and since has been used as a military store, a pottery studio, museum, meeting room and auction showroom.
Chilcot School

Chilcot School in Tiverton was a free school founded in 1609 by Robert Comyn alias Chilcott (sometimes Chilcot), a wealthy wool and cloth merchant who was the nephew and clerk to Peter Blundell, founder of Blundell's School, and brother-in-law of George Slee, of the Great House in Peter Street. The school was also built in St Peter's Street at a cost of £400. Chilcot left a yearly rent-charge of £90 to support the school, and specified that the master should be a single man.

In addition to founding Chilcot's Free School, Chilcot also made other contributions to the town. He was a churchwarden at St Peter's Church, and he donated money to help repair the church after it was damaged by fire in 1612. Chilcot also donated money to the town's almshouse, which provided accommodation for the elderly and infirm.

The building boasts a classic example of a 'wicket gate' (sometimes just known as a 'wicket')—a door which houses a smaller door within. The building is Grade II* listed and is one of the oldest surviving school buildings in Devon. The building—including number 4 at the rear—is listed with Historic England (no. 1384948).
The Chilcot School was an important part of the educational history of Tiverton. It provided a free education to poor children for over 200 years, and helped to shape the future of many generations of Tivertonians.
Address: Chilcot School, 4 St Peter Street, Tiverton, Devon
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